How To Make Organic Soil At Home

Organic soil is an indispensable filler in today’s trend. The clean land market is also very diverse in type, origin, and quality. Among so many types of clean vegetable land, users have to choose which soil type is reasonable.

However, you can also make your organic soil safe and save money. This article will show you how to make organic soil at home. If you find it useful, you can read this article right now!

How To Make Organic Soil At Home

Organic soil is soil made with clean nutrients. These ingredients are treated to remove pathogens, then mixed with coconut fiber, rice husk, and micro-organisms and minerals to increase fertility and freshness of the soil.

Making organic soil at home will save you money. Here are a few simple steps for you to make.

Mix Soil

First, you take about five buckets of soil in the field and garden, meat soil, black soil or fertile soil, or alluvial soil. It is fertile soil rich in nutrients, so it is very suitable for growing vegetables.

Next, you take about three buckets of the substrate, also known as soil loosening agent; it can be coir or ash, or rice husk. Self-made vegetable soil requires more rotting manure with about two buckets.

Mix 50% soil, 30% substrate, and 20% organic fertilizer together. After that, you bring the mixture to get one month for them to blend and grow vegetables. It is not recommended to incubate for less than one month because the soil quality cannot reach the required level.

Besides, no matter how much nutrient-rich compost is mixed, the soil will gradually lose nutrients and no longer have high porosity after cultivation. Therefore, for every 2-3 vegetable crops, you need to improve the soil once.

By plowing the soil evenly and drying in the sun for 2-3 days, adding rotting cow manure can grow a new green vegetable crop. As for indoor vegetables, it takes about six months to change the soil once so that the plants are always green and growing.

Improve Soil

We need to clean the soil first, such as weeding or vegetable crops, and then we proceed to till the soil, dry it in the sun for 2-3 days to destroy the remaining pests in the soil, and simultaneously collect the soil. If the tree is still green, it will continue to grow, avoiding the loss of nutrients.

In drying the soil, we should sprinkle a little more powdered lime (about one handful in the palm, about one tablespoon of rice for one tray, pot) to balance the pH and help the soil de-germ. Better disease.

Then, with each pot soil 68 long, 43 wide, 16 cm high, we should add about 5 liters of new bagged vegetable soil + 2 liters of cow manure or vermicompost + 2 liters of coir mixture – coconut flakes, mix well with the old land and then plant a new vegetable crop.


We hope that this article will provide you with some useful tips on how to make organic soil at home. You can use organic soil to grow vegetables at home or other trees. It helps to bring higher productivity and better development. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to let me know.

Last Updated on April 10, 2022 by admin