gaura lindheimeri

Planting has emerged as a trend of gaining pleasures for every DIYer as it brings a new look to their homes. Gaura lindheimeri especially attracts the attention of various planters for its remarkably flawless flowers.

Despite this, many people are unknown to Gaura, and that’s why we have written an article to help all you guys thoroughly know this species as well as the way of planting. Do not hesitate to give this site a check!

What Is Gaura Lindheimeri?


gaura lindheimeri

Gaura lindheimer is known as a perennial species that has roots in Louisiana and Texas. People often praise this plant for being fully hardy, airy-looking, and enormously floriferous, which can create a magnificent summer flowering sight. Its petals look like white or pink-tinged butterflies flying in your small garden.


Botanical NameGaura lindheimeri
Common NameBee blossom, whirling butterfly, or wandflower.
Plant TypeHerbaceous perennial
Mature Size15–48 inch of tallness, 15–48 inch of wideness
Soil pHAcidic, neutral to acidic, slightly alkaline
Soil TypeSandy
Sun ExposureFull
Bloom SeasonFall and summer
Native AreaNorth America
Hardiness ZonesFrom 5 to 9 (USDA)
Color of FlowerPink, white, or white-pink

How To Grow Gaura Lindheimeri?

Let’s grow the seeds of Gaura lindheimeri in pots first and then bring the plants to the soil when they get bushier. Light yet well-drained soils, which can stand clay, are the best environment for this plant to thrive. Remember to dig a large hole and pour in a few well-rotted composts as well as grit to help drainage operate better.

As mentioned above, this species needs full sun exposure, so, understandably, it is still alive under hot summers. Although drought cannot hold up this growth, you should ensure enough moisture plus fertilizer for this plant to flower better. Any over-act can make these stems flop, such as too much shade or rich soil.

It will be best to cut up to half the height of the plants in late spring to avoid becoming too bushier.

What Factors To Consider When Planting Gaura Lindheimeri?


Plenty of sunlight definitely creates the best conditions for Gaura to grow and bloom. However, it is necessary for the plant to stay under afternoon shade in the case of severely hot climates.


Gaura does prefer a special type of soil to serve its development Specifically, it is suitable for light soil that works well with clay.

Plus, outstanding drainage also contributes greatly to this successful planting. It will die quickly while being planted in wet winter soil, for example.

There are some ways to improve the case. First, let’s add the mixture of grit and compost to your soil. Besides, planting these perennials in raised beds is another good idea. You can also space these plants at a distance of 12 inches or in groups of up to five species for high efficiency.   


In order for the plant to thrive, it needs to be watered, but not too often. You must know that deep watering decides mostly on how Gaura Lindheimeri develops its roots instead of trunks and blooms.


The right amount of fertilizer is always the key to stimulating plant growth, and Gaura is no exception. You are better off planting them in poor soil without much manure and supplemental fertilizer, or else you can indirectly make them floppy. 

How To Care For Gaura Lindheimeri?

Cut Clumps Regularly

It would help if you planned a regular schedule to cut clumps. Spring is the best period to cut back them and also divide those congested ones. You should not worry too much about some dark spots on leaves.

Do Not Move The Plants Too Much

We highly recommend that you pick your favorite area in your garden to plant these beautiful flowers. Why? It ensures that you will not move these tap-rooted plants around too much, causing them to easily die when they cannot adapt to the new soil.  

Always plant the seeds in pots first, move once into the sunny garden  later,  and keep them for many years.

Enough Water And Fertilizer

As mentioned earlier, growing Gaura lindheimeri needs only a minimum of water and fertilizer, especially when they have reached up to 3 feet in height and had blooming flowers.

For this reason, we can say that you do not make much effort to take care of these plants. 

What Are Gaura Varieties To Try Planting?

  • Gaura lindheimeri ‘The Bride’ – Growing this variety, you can enjoy a mat of soft green foliage adorned with fragile white flowers. The Bride flowering season starts in early summer and lasts until autumn.
The Bride
  • Gaura lindheimeri ‘Ruby Ruby’  – Different from The Bride, Ruby Ruby brings you a full-pink picture with dark-pink foliage and stems and bright-pink flowers. Its term is quite shorter than other species.
  • Gaura lindheimeri ‘Whirling Butterfly’  – Whirling Butterfly brings a similar view to The Bride with a grey-green foliage mat and multiple white-pink flowers.

How To Propagate Gaura Lindheimeri?

Step 1: Select A Plant

Nowadays, you can find Gaura lindheimeri with different variations. Let’s choose your favorite and suitable one to plant.

Remember to pick strong plants that can resist any diseases and pests. Moreover, you should pay attention to the similarity between the color of your Gaura cuttings and their plants. 

It is advisable for you to use low-down stems that are still green to make them firm enough for propagating strongly and rapidly. Those cuttings near the top of the plants are often flower spikes that’s why they cannot grow independently well.

Step 2: Striking The Roots

You have to prepare the mix of perlite and peat moss in the ratio of 9:1 for striking the cuttings. This combination works well in providing moisture as well as a sterile environment.

When you have owned the cuttings of Gaura, simply push them into the watered mix to hold them firmly. It will be best to water thoroughly for at least two months until the cuttings develop roots.

Step 3: Potting The Cuttings

The next step is to pot these cuttings having roots up. You can utilize some small pots at first to save valuable space and move out later.

But it is worth mentioning to use high-quality potting mix no matter which size container you have. The mix should include minerals, vitamins, and some trace elements to stimulate the growth of your plants.

When the root system has been developed that reaches the pot edges, you should move them outside.

Final Thoughts

No doubt, Gaura lindheimeri can turn your garden into a romantic and poetic picture easily. This plant is especially easy to grow as long as you follow from beginning to end of our article. We do hope that it is beneficial to you. Now, it’s time to join hands with the planting and renew your home look. Good luck!

Last Updated on March 9, 2022 by admin