Monstera Dubia

If you love to grow plants in your house but are afraid of the lack of time and space for it, Monstera Dubia will be a great option for you. These plant-like houseplants are easy to care for and can grow indoors without the need for sunlight. As they come from tropical climates, Monstera Dubia tolerates lower light levels than other plants.

Hence, this makes them perfect for people in apartments with no natural light! They’re also versatile – these vines can grow on walls, hung from ceilings, or even trained up along furniture legs!

If you want to learn more about the growing and care requirements for this fun new houseplant, read on!

Monstera Dubia Overview

It is a rare plant and less common than the Monstera deliciosa, but it has beautiful colors and interesting growth patterns. Indeed, Monstera Dubia is a great addition to any houseplant collection.

This creeping vine is mostly found in Central or South America, it can grow on big trees or other plants. Its young leaves are small and heart-shaped with dark green variegation as Monstera Dubia becomes older.

Yet, this plant is not easy to find and purchase. You may have to buy it from an online store or a specialty plant shop. Beware of people who sell fake seeds or plants.

Besides, it is easy to take care of the Monstera Dubia plant because it can survive and adapt to live in different places without needing lots of water.

How To Grow Monstera Dubia

Stem Cuttings

  1. Cutting the stem of your plant is a very important part of caring for it; you will need some pruning shears or a clean knife and alcohol. Cut the stem when it is below a leaf node. It should be at least four inches long and have two leaves. To cure it, put it in a warm area for around one week. 
  2. After the plant starts getting calluses, let’s start planting it!
  3. You need to prepare a pot with holes and well-draining soil. More specifically, plants need a hole, or else water might stay on their roots for a long period. The soil should also have good drainage properties, so they don’t rot if there’s too much water in it.

The stem cutting cannot sit up by itself. A small tip for you to have it in the same size is cutting a draw. Then, put a  straw in the dirt and bury it two inches deep. Tie the stem to the straw, and you are done!

Additionally, it is important to bury stem cuttings two inches deep and tight them with the straw. Wrapping it with string will help secure it in place, preventing any movement that may disrupt its rooting process.

Separation Method

  1. You will need to divide the plant in half. With this method, using sterilized pruning shears that are soaked in isopropyl alcohol will help. Yet, do not forget to water your plant before starting the process! Make sure to wet it before touching it thoroughly!
  2. Following that, prepare a pot with holes for water to leak through. Put soil in the pot and pack it down, ensuring that the water can go through these holes!
  3. Now, you must move your plant from the ground. Remove it from the moss pole and take it out of the soil. Be careful not to hurt its roots because they are delicate. If there is dirt on them, shake it off or rinse it off underwater.
  4. Again, carefully cut your Monstera in half with the help of sterilized pruning shears. Make sure you’re cutting between its leaves (or at least, not on top of them).
  5. Prepare two pots of soil for each Monstera. Secondly, put the soil around the plant for stability.

*Tips: Put your Monstera Dubia in the window that faces north, and always remember to water before they dry out completely.

Caring Tips for Monteras Dubia


Monstera Dubias grow best where there is indirect light. Though this plant can not fully grow if you keep it in the shade, it will discolor by direct sunlight. If you want them to stay healthy when growing indoors, you need to provide them with bright indirect light and should not expose Monstera to the sun for more than short periods.


Monstera Dubias like loose, moist soil with lots of organic matter. You can prepare this type of soil for your plant by mixing orchid bark, coco coir, and perlite in an equal amount. In detail, this will help the Monstera Dubias to keep the right amount of water in the plant without it getting too wet.

Do not use regular potting soil for them, which will suffocate them and drown the root part.


It is important to water the potting medium occasionally to keep your plant healthy. Water when the top few inches of soil are dry to get enough moisture without drowning in too much water, plant pots will have extra water in them.

You need to let the water drain out before putting the plant pot back on a table or floor. Otherwise, there will be problems with mold or rot. It is very crucial to check the water condition of the plant regularly!


In the winter, it is important to keep your Monstera Dubia warm. The best temperature for these plants is between 60°F (15°C) and 80°F (27°C). Hence, make sure that you heat up the spot in order to mimic their native climate. This plant can’t handle cold temperatures!


Monstera plants need humid conditions. The average humidity rate in their environment should be over 50%. Commonly, your household level of humidity and temperature is good enough for planting Monstera. Suppose you still want to add more humidity to your plant, purchase a humidifier or make one yourself. You can also put pebbles in trays with water under Monstera. In addition, please be mindful not to leave your plant near cooling or heating vents or an ill-fitting window!


It is important to fertilize these plants regularly for them to grow strong and healthy. You should use a slow-release fertilizer three times a year, one time during the growing period (once per month) or when you see signs of yellowing leaves on your plant’s foliage.


What Are Some Common Diseases Of Monstera Dubia?

Typically, some main problems with Monstera Dubie include brown scale, root rot (irregular watering), and two-spotted spider mite (happens with too much humidity or water plants). If you ignore these diseases, there would be permanent damage to your Monstera. Some simple tips to protect the plants are providing them with enough light and space to get rid of those unwanted guests we’ve mentioned above.

Is Monstera Dubia Toxic?

Unfortunately, yes. Monstera Dubia is toxic. Hence, please make sure that you keep your kids and pets away from the plant.

Why Are There Brown Spots On My Monstera Dubia?

If your Monstera Dubia starts to develop brown spots, don’t panic! This is a  sign that it has contracted fungus. Over-watering and getting the plant too wet can lead to this unfortunate condition. If you notice these symptoms, make sure to treat them right away because fungi spread quickly once they’ve begun growing on one leaf or stem of the plant!


Overall, Monstera Dubia is a great indoor plant for decoration. This beautiful plant only requires minimal care, and it also grows quite quickly. While planning Monstera, you must keep in mind some important notes that we’ve mentioned above related to light, soil, humidity, temperature, and water.

Please make sure that you note down all these vital things for a healthy plant! Besides, do not forget that Monstera must be kept away from kids and pets, as it is toxic! Whether you have an indoor or outdoor space, this plant is sure to be a perfect choice!

Last Updated on March 25, 2022 by admin