Hoya obovata is a plant that many people know about. It’s name means “hollow-stemmed” because of its hollow stem, which can be used to make musical instruments.
This plant has a strange and beautiful shape with long leaves and white petals clustered at the end of its branches like stars in space. Hoya plants are found deep in forests or tangled around bamboo trees. Continue reading this article to know the hoya’s botanical features, habitat, and uses for humans.
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The word “Obovata” is from Latin and means “somewhat round”. This plant is a fast-growing vine with deep green leaves that are speckled with silver. It grows in India, Indonesia, Thailand and Fiji.
Hoya obovata is an epiphyte. It grows on trees and branches of its host plants. The biggest one can be three feet tall and wide. Hoya obovata blooms in late winter and early spring, until midsummer. Its flowers come in a variety of colors, including white, red and pink.
Hoya obovata are known for removing toxins from the air. They can be grown as either hanging plants or tabletop flowers. This plant is great for people who want to add color to their desks and it does well in low-light conditions.
The botanical name for this plant is “Hoya obovata”. It is also known as “wax plant.” This plant type is an epiphyte. The mature size of the wax plant can grow 12-20 ft in length.
Hoya Obovata Plant and Care Guide
It is easy to care for a hoya obovata. You need to do little maintenance on the plant and it needs very little attention.
When to plant Hoya Obovata
In hardiness zone 10a, the plant stays alive through the spring and summer. In hardiness zone 10b, it can stay alive all year long. The main problem with this plant is when you take it out of the greenhouse in colder weather.
Where to plant Hoya Obovata
Hoya Obovata needs a lot of light. They grow on trees and get lots of light in their natural environment. But even when inside, the humidity might be low at 10%. When you grow them outside, protect them from sharp rays with things like shade. But when you grow them indoors, place them in as much light as possible. You should maintain the temperature at 60oF to 85oF (15oC to 29oC). The humidity level is at least 60%.
Care guide
Propagate your plant with cuttings. To start, cut the stem, leaf, or leaf with at least 3 leaves. Then, wait a few days in the shade until the tissue heals. Put it in moist soil and let it grow until spring to early summer.
There are many opinions about what is the best soil for a Hoya obovata. But everyone agrees that it has to be fast-draining.
This plant cannot grow in water-logged soil. So you must choose a good substrate and one that has good drainage. A popular mix is peat, perlite, and orchid bark. Or another option is potting soil, pumice, compost and orchid bark mix.
Do not use regular garden soil in a Hoya. It is too dense and it makes it hard for air, water and nutrients to pass through easily. The soil can be bad because it deprives the Hoya of nutrients.
Hoya obovata need bright light for them to grow. They grow in places with dappled light, like among trees. If they are grown outside, keep them away from harsh light as it can burn them and make them hurt. They need at least three hours of midday sun each day (from noon to 2 o’clock).
If you want to keep your Hoya obovata indoors, one thing you need to pay attention to is the light. The best way is to put your Hoya on a window that faces east. East-facing windows are exposed to bright indirect light for most of the day and throughout most of the year. But make sure there is a sheer curtain in front of it, so it doesn’t get direct exposure or else put at least 2 feet away from it.
You should not water Hoya Obovata too often because you might kill it. The frequency of watering depends on the kind of pot you have, the type of soil and the season.
Hoya obovata can usually live a few weeks without being watered since they have leaves that hold water more than other house plants. But when they are grown outdoors in the summertime (April to November), you should water them every day during periods of intense sunlight or heat.
Hoya obovata are plants that grow fast. They need to be fertilized twice a month during the spring and summer.
When you want your plants to grow, use fertilizer. The best kind has a 2:1:2 or 3:1:2 ratio of nitrogen-phosphorus-potassium. When your plant is big enough, switch to a well-balanced fertilizer.
Hoya obovata does not need to be repotted often. It can stay in the same pot for up to two years. Water the plant before you take it out of its pot so that it doesn’t fall when you move it and water does not collect in your new container.
Common Diseases
Hoyas get diseases easily. When they get a disease, they will usually show signs quickly within days. Hoyas are sensitive to the following pests: aphids, scale, mealybugs and spider mites. They also have a disease called sooty mold. It grows on sweet sap on leaves.
Hoya leaves can have some trouble with necrotic spots. They might have brown or yellow spots, wilt and be hard to stand up. To get rid of sooty mold on hoya obovata, you need to clean the leaf regularly and make sure there is no sap left on it for long periods of time.
Hoya obovata is a type of plant that can be found in many parts of the world. It’s often used as an ornamental and provides lush greenery to any home or office space. It’s also an environmentally friendly plant because it naturally removes toxins from the air around it! This makes them perfect plants for urban environments with high levels of pollution or rural areas where farmers use pesticides on crops! If you’ve been looking to grow or have more plants in your home, then Hoya obovata is the ideal suggestion for you!
Last Updated on April 25, 2022 by admin