Sansevieria Samurai

The Sansevieria Samurai is an excellent plant for beginners for its ease of care, requiring only minimal attention. It can also tolerate low light conditions and grow well in any soil type, as long as it has adequate drainage. The plant is beautiful and small enough that you can put it indoors to decorate your house and office!

If you are interested in planting Sansevieria Samurai, what should you prepare and how to care for it? Scroll down now for the answer and other relevant knowledge in planting this plant successfully!

What Is Sansevieria Samurai?

This perennial succulent is known for its unique growth patterns. The tough, adaptable Sansevieria plant is an easy favorite for any houseplant lover. It is also called “The Blue” or the Samurai Dwarf when in miniature form. Though the plant can be found worldwide, it thrives in arid climates like Africa and Asia.

This hardy indoor plant has earned its name thanks to Christian Ehrenberg, who first discovered one of these plants while exploring Egypt in 1831!

Moreover, this plant has an interesting appearance. With its blades of leaves, each one shaped like the others but fanning out in opposite rows and having red-brown edging on thick pointy edges.

What Are The Factors Need Considering When Taking Care Of Sansevieria Samurai?

In this section, we will have a closer look at how to take care of this beautiful plant regarding water, light, soil, humidity, and fertilizer conditions. 


The plant can be watered every 1-2 weeks. You might only need to water it once or twice a week in summer and once or twice a month in winter. More importantly, you should pay attention if the leaves droop down because this means that it needs more watering than usual for its current growing conditions! Before adding extra water to your Sansevieria Samurai, make sure it needs it since snake plants are drought tolerant and highly sensitive to overwatering.

If you don’t water your Blue plant well enough, it will experience problems with fungus and roots. Subsequently, the plant may die. To avoid these issues from occurring in the first place, make sure to let its soil dry out every once in a while before watering again. In this way, it doesn’t receive much or experiences a lack of water at all times.


Though the Sansevieria Samurai will thrive in bright indirect light when grown indoors, full sun exposure may damage the plant’s sensitive leaves. The same goes for a partially shaded environment; while they can tolerate it, their coloration won’t be as vibrant as you expected.

Hence, Sansevieria Ehrenbergii should be kept in its ideal light to promote an increased growth rate.


The Samurai Dwarf is a great plant to have in your home, as it’s easy to grow and care for. You can place this little guy anywhere as long as the soil has plenty of air and drainage; you can achieve this by adding perlite or peat. Specifically, the PH should be between 5-7.5 for optimal growth.

It is better to use pre-mixed potting soil mixes, as they help reduce the potential for germs and pests in common soil that you would otherwise have to dig up yourself. You can even add some peat and perlite if desired!


This plant is resilient and can survive in various climates. The Sansevieria Samurai grows well in temperatures that humans find comfortable, thriving at room temperatures of 60°F or more but not as low as 50°F. Also, it will start to die if it becomes too wet or cold!

In addition, frost kills a Sansevieria Ehrenbergii! If you leave your Sansevieria outside during wintertime, make sure its soil isn’t left damp as this could kill the plant just like freezing temps would!


The best humidity level for plants to stay healthy is 50%. You won’t need to do any work, except on dry days. In detail, place your pot in a tray of pebbles and water so that it has good moisture levels in the air. Some people mist long leaves as well.

Yet, be mindful not to let them get wet or soggy; otherwise, fungus and pests may attack your plant.


A Sansevieria Ehrenbergii has low requirements for fertilizer. In Particular, you can feed it once per month during the growing season. Use a liquid succulent food or water-soluble plant fertilizer during winter months, and avoid overfeeding to prevent overwatering your plant!

How To Propagate Sansevieria Samurai?

Sansevieria Samurai is a unique plant that can make any space greener and cozier. One way to grow it is through division, in which you remove the Sansevieria from its ground or pot then dust off its roots before planting again with soil in another container.

One method to propagate the Sansevieria Ehrenbergii is by dividing it into clumps. To be more specific, each division should have its own set of roots and a fan of leaves so that they can eventually be transplanted individually. With a plant producing offsets, it is easier to separate from their parent plants! However, give them some time before moving them again to let each new offset establish more roots.

Final Thoughts

As a beginner gardener, it can be hard to find the right plant for you. But don’t give up hope! The Sansevieria Samurai is an excellent choice for beginners with simple care requirements and minimal attention.

If you’re still unsure how often to water or what type of soil your new friend needs, we have some helpful tips on our blog that will get you started with the basics. So why wait? Find your own Sansevieria Samurai today and start enjoying gardening as much as they do in their natural habitat!

Last Updated on March 25, 2022 by admin