Home for a New Cat

Cats are a common household pet choice for many people. These precious fur babies are typically more self-sufficient than dogs while providing plenty of love and companionship.

Preparing to get a new furry friend can feel overwhelming. You want to ensure that your home is safe by removing any potential hazards for indoor cats and creating a healthy environment through proper enrichment. While it can seem like a lot to manage at once, there are some great ways you can prepare your home for the arrival of a new cat.

Start Your Feline Friend in One Room

Cats tend to need time to acclimate to new surroundings. While letting your new furry friend out to explore your entire home immediately may be tempting, it’s often better to wait and start them off with one room. Typically, rooms such as bathrooms or spare bedrooms work well.

You can place all their items — such as litter boxes, food, and toys — in this room to make your kitty feel welcome. Make sure to spend plenty of time in their room to get them comfortable with you and the sound of your voice.

While you don’t have to confine your cat to just one room forever, it’s recommended that you wait two to three weeks before letting your cat explore the entirety of your home. Once enough time has passed, you can slowly begin introducing your feline friend to other areas of the house.

Start With Slow Introductions to Other Pets

If you have other pets in the home, it’s wise to start with slow introductions. Cats may be skittish, and you won’t know your new kitty’s personality until likely months after you’ve had them.

Letting your other animals sniff under the door of your new cat’s room is an excellent first step. This allows them to begin getting comfortable with each other’s scents. You can also use tools like a baby gate to allow your pets to view each other without direct interaction.

It’s important to remember that animals may take time to adjust and get used to each other. Just because your new cat or other pets don’t seem thrilled about the idea initially doesn’t mean they won’t eventually come around.

Remove Potential Hazards Around Your Home

You may not think twice about many things in your home that could be a severe hazard to your new feline friend. Cleaners, plants, and even chords can cause potential problems for your cat.

Chemical Cleaners

Most household cleaners are highly toxic to cats. As curious as they are, cats are known to get into many things they shouldn’t. Be sure to hide any cleaners in cabinets where your furry friend can’t access them.

House Plants

While you may love the look of a room filled with plants, some may be toxic to your kitty. If you have a green thumb, research which species could harm your cat and either get rid of them or place them somewhere your feline can’t reach.

Blind and Electrical Chords

Chords around your home may not warrant a second thought, but to your cat, they could be a new toy. Chords on your blinds can cause choking if your furry friend finds themselves tangled. Electrical wires also pose potential dangers like electrocution. Be sure to wrap up or hide away any cords lying around your home.

Toxic plants for cats

Provide Enrichment to Keep Your Kitty Satisfied

Cats often earn a reputation for being lazy. However, this often isn’t the case. Cats enjoy having enrichment and often crave it.

If you lack proper entertainment for your feline friend, they could begin to find other ways to keep themselves occupied, such as scratching up furniture or chewing on items they shouldn’t.

Instead, keep them busy with plenty of toys and puzzles. Cats typically like toys they can bat around and chase, as it’s their instinct to be predators. Toys such as little mice and jingly balls can be excellent enrichment for them. You can also add scratching posts to keep your kitty’s clawing at bay.

Windows can even offer enrichment to your cat. If you provide a perch for them, your kitty will likely spend hours watching your yard or garden with joy.

Welcoming a New Cat With Proper Preparations

Cats make wonderful pets and will give their owners just as much love as they receive. When welcoming a new cat into your home, it’s essential to prepare so they can feel comfortable.

But since excellent preparation can’t guarantee being problem-free, It’s also a good idea to look into pet insurance. Whether your cat needs a vet because of something that happened in your home or a medical condition, it can help provide coverage for the most common pet insurance claims.

Keeping your kitty separated, using slow introductions to other pets, removing potential hazards, and providing enrichment are all excellent ways to make your new cat feel welcome. Just be sure to give them time to adjust. New animals will likely take weeks to feel comfortable in a new setting. Until they do, offer them love and have patience. Once your new kitty is comfortable, you will enjoy all the affection and cuddles they offer.

Alexandra Arcand

Alexandra Arcand writes and researches for the pet insurance comparison site, PetInsuranceU.com. She is an avid animal lover and currently owns three cats of her own

Last Updated on October 13, 2023 by admin