Peperomia Frost

For some newbie horticulturists, growing and caring for some unusual plants, like Peperomia Frost, is not an easy task. But once you are detail-oriented enough, you will find this gardening task interesting and less challenging than expected. If you intend to grow these shrubs with infamous fleshy leaves, let’s check out this post on peperomia frost care.

What Is Peperomia Frost?

Peperomia Frost is a plant variety of the Peperomia branch, whose scientific name is pep-er-ROH-mee-uh, and belongs to the Piperaceae family. These perennials originate from Mexico, South America, and the West Indies.

The genus Peperomia name is a Greek compound word, which means resembling pepper, a plant called peperi homoios. Later, this plant became popularly known as Peperomia Fros.

There are more than a thousand Peperomia species, and almost all are in the vicinity of the Piper nigrum or black pepper relatives.

What Factors To Consider When Growing Peperomia Frost?

Peperomia Frost is a well-adapted and strong plant species. That’s said, you should not take care of them arbitrarily. Once you’ve decided to breed them seriously, there are a few considerations you need to keep in mind.


Peperomia Frost takes well to light, especially indirect light. In other light conditions, they still can grow but slowly. That’s why many experienced gardeners often give these plants an east window locality in which the morning sun’s light diffuses perfectly.

If you plan to grow Peperomia Frost in a rustic outdoor garden, it’s better to plant them under a wide canopy tree or cluster in the middle of other bulbs. This way is effective in filtering the rays and helping them absorb indirect light. Alternatively, you can use a cloth to cover it so that only about 60% of the light gets through.

Still, you should observe your plants regularly to adjust the brightness timely. If they show symptoms like pale leaves, it means the light is too low. When leaves burn or droop suddenly, this is a sign of direct light.


Peperomia Frost is mainly found in soilless substrates in tree cracks, rotting husks, or rock crevices. Hence, to create ideal soil for peperomia, you need to mix 50% non-organic substrates and 50% organic ones.

Apart from peat and perlite, you can flexibly create soil mixtures such as sand, coco-chips, or pumice as long as they are porous, gritty, and well-draining.


When you notice that the potting soil is quite dry, water the Peperomia immediately. It’s worth noting that you should wait until the water in the bottom of the pot drains out, but do not allow the plant to stay in the soggy soil or excess water.

During winter, you should limit watering. Only when their leaves are drooping, do you need to provide them with water. Instead of constant watering, place them in cobblestone trays with a little water at the bottom when the warm seasons come. In this way, the water evaporates and provides constant moisture to Peperomia.


When caring for Peperomia Frost, you also have to consider humidity and ventilation. These plants are good at adjusting to suit the home’s humidity conditions.

However, they prefer more wetness like other tropical plants. In this case, you can provide them more moisture by using a humidifier, misting, or pebble trays.

If you maintain humidity with humidifiers, you should ensure that the air is also circulated so that their leaves remain dry and healthy.


As mentioned above, Peperomia Frost originates from regions with warm air, so the ideal room temperature for these plants is between 60 and 80 degrees. It will also thrive in slightly hotter or colder environments than this.

In case you grow them in an environment under 50 degrees, their growth will certainly be slow or even go the way of the dinosaurs when they are in under 40-degree conditions. If you live in areas with cold winters, move them indoors until the weather is warm again.


Like other epiphytes, Peperomia Frost does not like to be fed with chemical fertilizers but organic options. You just need to fertilize them with nutrient-rich compost into the soil compound and add topsoil during their developing periods.

You can apply chemical fertilizers to Peperomia as long as you mix the right ratio. In particular, the chemical solution is three times more diluted than the original substance. Suppose the Rx proportion is 5ml per water gallon, dilute to achieve the final 5ml per 3 water gallons mixture.

Plant experts also suggest fertilizing it once a month throughout the growing period. When winter comes, stop this feeding routine till it gets warm over.

How To Propagate Peperomia Frost?

Thanks to good adaptability, the process of propagating Peperomia Frost is not too complicated and challenging. The best and most popular way to nurture these plants is stem cuttings. Furthermore, they are not cold-tolerant varieties, so the ideal moment to propagate them is in the spring or early summer.

Below are step-by-step instructions to propagate Peperomia Frost you can consider.

  1. Select healthy stems, which stand out with 2 or 3 leaf joints.
  2. Sterilize specialized pruning shears. Then, cut the stems to a length of around 4 to 7 inches.
  3. Cut off all the leaves below the stems because you will plant these parts beneath the soil.
  4. Embed the end of the stems in rooting powder. This step is noncompulsory but helpful in boosting the success rate.
  5. Plant the stems in a moistened potting mix, then put it into a 6-inch container.
  6. Otherwise, you can propagate these stems in water instead of soil. Find a glass jar, fill it with water, and then put the stems in. Once the roots have grown long and strong enough, transplant them in the ground.
  7. When they are in the pots, place them under indirect light and warm habitat. To accelerate their rooting development, you can provide them more moisture but remember to cover them with plastic bags.
  8. The rooting growth varies depending on the different environments. If you plant them in a soil pot, the average period is about 20 or 25 days to see the first roots. This process occurs faster in water surroundings, around 10 or 15 days.
  9. Observe their development. Remember to always keep the soil humid.
  10.  When these plants grow and no longer fit in the first pot, transplant them in another container approximately 2 inches larger in diameter than the initial one.

In just a few months, you will have a chance to see fresh green leaves from your new Peperomia Frost.

What Are The Suggested Uses For Silver Peperomia?

If you tend to plant Silver Peperomia, you should turn these suggested uses over in your mind, as shown below.

  • Silver Peperomia grows well in the environment with indirect light and warm temperature like their other cousins.
  • In regions with warm and humid summers, you can keep them outdoors throughout the hot periods and bring them indoors on cold winter days.
  • In tropical habitats, they can be planted in any area outside as container perennials or beddings.

Final Thoughts

That’s all useful knowledge about Peperomia Frost that you should acquire. Essentially, they are in the Piperaceae group and popular with good environmental adaptability and sturdiness. Despite good characteristics, you should keep in mind important factors when caring for them, such as light, soil, or water.

If you desire to breed Peperomia, you can refer to our recommendations above. Hopefully, you will be successful with this plant propagating project.

Last Updated on March 25, 2022 by admin