Can You Grow Carrots Indoors

While it’s a no-brainer to plant carrots outside, some people often give a second thought to growing them from the comfort of their houses or rooms. So, can you grow carrots indoors?

The good news is that it is possible to grow these easy-care plants in-house, but there are a few things you should pay attention to for a more productive crop!

Can You Grow Carrots Indoors?

Yes, carrots are easy-going and can thrive in in-house conditions. You can expect your potted carrots to be as edible and good-looking as those grown outdoors with proper care. The lacy leaves with a dark green hue also make it an appealing decorative item that brightens any corner of your house.

How To Grow Carrots Indoors

Choose The Right Pot

Be mindful of the size of your carrots, however. Long carrot varieties require a deeper pot to extend their length comfortably; if not, they can be deformed and look unattractive. Here are the right pot depths for different variations of carrots:

  • A minimum depth of 8 inches for short to half-long carrots.
  • A depth from 10-12 inches for longer varieties.

The right pot depth is crucial as it allows your plants to spread out to their potential. Too narrow pots can prevent the roots from growing cause it’s more challenging for them to soak in water and essential nourishments.

Fill In Potting Soil

We recommend buying a potting soil mix formulated for indoor veggies. The ideal pH level of the soil ranges from 6 to 6.8. Fill this soil about an inch of the top of the chosen pot.

Germinate The Seeds

First, wet the soil before sprinkling the seeds on the pot. There’s no need to be concerned about the spacing between the seeds. Instead, wait for them to germinate and remove the excess seedlings using scissors. You will need to distance the carrots about a half-inch on the surface to have enough space to thrive. 

Space Out The Grown Seedlings

Once your seedlings reach around 3 inches tall, re-space them again. They should be standing about one inch apart from one another.

Provide The Optimal Growing Conditions


Carrots thrive in cool temperatures of early spring and late fall. The ideal temp range you should maintain indoors should be 50-65 degrees. High temperatures are harmful to young seedlings and mature plants, causing poor colorization and stunting growth. It is also recommended to avoid major temperature fluctuations.


Carrots need six or more hours of sunlight per day. Often, placing the potted carrots in windows that face the sun would suffice. Otherwise, you may want to place them under grow lights, especially in wintery, low-lighting conditions.


The soil should not be too moist at most times. Soaking wet soil will promote the growth of little hairy roots that ruin the vegetable texture. It’s best to use your finger to test the moisture of the top surface about one inch deep and water only when you feel it dry.

When the temperature grows high and the foliage starts to wilt, it pays to spray the leaves with water a couple of times a day. Doing so can keep your carrots hydrated between rounds of watering.


Do not fertilize until the seedlings grow to 3 inches. Once the seedlings reach this point, you can establish a feeding schedule every two weeks. Use a liquid fertilizer specially made for indoor plants. The best time to feed your plants should be from early spring to late fall. Do not fertilize your carrots during the winter months since carrots do not need nutrients during this time of the year.

Harvest The Carrots

After germinating, the carrots should be fully grown and ideal for harvesting from 60 to 80 days, depending on the varieties. Harvesting is quite straightforward: simply pull them out from the soil. Do not dig or tug, as this will interrupt other nearby carrots that are still not ready for harvesting.

The Bottom Line

Can you grow carrots indoors? Of course, as long as they receive adequate watering, sunlight, and nutrients, carrots can thrive inside. Growing success begins with choosing the right pot, soil, and placement inside the house!

Last Updated on October 13, 2023 by admin